7 Things I Wish I’d Known in My 20s

Life is a perpetual journey of learning. They say that change is the only constant in life, aside from death, and it’s up to each of us to decide whether to view it with aversion or as an opportunity. You have the power to evolve, grow, learn, and continually become a better version of yourself. Alternatively, you can merely react to your surroundings, complain, and adhere to the status quo, all the while wondering why nothing good ever happens to you.
Life has its way of thrusting new situations, people, and experiences upon us. From each of these, we can learn valuable lessons, give back, and make subtle improvements to our character. Furthermore, we can impact the world by influencing, assisting, or interacting with those in our sphere.
Our path of learning has been ongoing since birth, but as we transition from childhood to adulthood and beyond, this process should become a conscious task whenever possible. We should steer our learning in the direction that aligns with our aspirations and look out with intention for the right opportunities.
Reflecting on my experiences in my twenties and throughout my life, I recognize that there are things I wish I had learned earlier. I don’t have regrets, but I often ponder how my life might have been different had I been more courageous sooner.
Do you have your own lessons you wish you had learned when you were a bit younger?
(1) Wake up early
There’s so much out there to explore when your mind is freshly wakened up, rested, and full of ideas! Wake up early, drink a cup of tea or coffee, enjoy the silence, and let your mind wander and start building.
(2) Intentional learning
Reaching your desired destination often necessitates acquiring new skills and knowledge. The process may be challenging, uncomfortable, or downright complex. However, by approaching it with intention and a clear sense of “why,” you can learn everything faster while having fun.
(3) Surround yourself with the right people
First, decide who the right people are for the life you want to live. Seek those who comprehend, support, and push you toward your dreams and ambitions. Allocate time to nurture these relationships while distancing yourself from those who drain your energy.
(4) Invest in healthy habits
Exercise regularly, minimize your sugar intake (or eliminate it entirely), and prioritize quality sleep. These are the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle that not only boost your well-being and energy levels but also foster the discipline required for success.
(5) Give generously
Initiate acts of giving to the world, thereby creating space to receive. Donate your old clothes, dedicate your time to a cause, share your thoughts through writing or speaking, or any other form that helps in any way. Giving is a way of reaching those in need or who may need to hear what you have to say.
(6) Never chase to explore
Pursue new hobbies, opportunities, and life paths without hesitation. It’s the only way to find your purpose, particularly if you haven’t defined it yet. Along this journey, you’ll discover your identity, values, and dreams. Explore the world, and its diverse cultures, talk to people and embrace their ideas, read books, be curious, but also let your mind go beyond what’s easy.
(7) Accept both joy and sorrow
The pursuit of constant happiness is overrated. You don’t need to be content or correct at all times. It’s perfectly acceptable to be yourself, even when that means experiencing moments of sadness, introversion, reticence, and contemplation. It’s okay to prefer reading a book over socializing. Embrace your true self, with all its imperfections and struggles, on the path to becoming who you aspire to be. Life is challenging, no matter the circumstances; there’s no need to make it even more so by overthinking and comparing your journey to what you perceive as more exciting, happier, or glamorous paths.
Life itself is an ongoing lesson. To paraphrase Steve Jobs, “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” You’re on your personal journey toward becoming the person you want or need to be, and the only ingredients missing from your recipe are intention, acceptance, and the energy to pursue your path.