7 Ways to Live Life Like It’s Your Second Time Around

I came across this title on LinkedIn the other day, and I couldn’t help but feel that little spark to dig deeper. Sure, the original post had its own things, but I couldn’t resist putting my own spin on it. So here’s my take on how I’d live life if I got a second chance. And since I probably won’t, here’s how I actually choose to live now. After all, every day is a chance to live life like it’s your second round—so why not take advantage?
One. Go Back to What Makes Your Heart Beat Faster
Yeah, it might sound like a Hallmark card, but the things that make your heart race? Those are the moments that remind you you’re alive. The ones where you forget to check your phone (yes, that’s possible) and that stick in your memory like adrenaline shots. The kind of experiences where you lose track of time, hunger, and sleep. Honestly, we’d all be a lot happier if we lived more of those moments—so make time for them.
Two. Have a North Star (and Stick to It)
Life gets messy, decisions are hard, but guess what? Having one main goal, your “north star,” makes everything clearer. When faced with something uncomfortable or new, ask yourself: does this align with my star or not? If yes, dive in and learn that new thing – yes, you are capable of learning new things at any age! If not, say no. No guilt, no second-guessing. Drop it, delegate, but don’t let it shake your confidence or make you feel like an impostor.
Three. Spoiler Alert: People Don’t Care About You (In a Good Way)
We all suffer from this odd delusion that people are watching us, waiting for us to mess up, silently judging. News flash: they’re not. Most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to care about yours. The minute you realize that no one is really thinking about you, you’re free. Go do what you want without caring about imaginary critiques. It’s liberating, I promise.
Four. Be Kind to Yourself, For Real
We are our own worst critics, no debate there. The inner monologue? It’s often harsher than anything anyone else would ever say to your face. Here’s a wild idea: what if you spoke to yourself like you would to a good friend? Psychology even backs this up—how you speak to others is a reflection of how you talk to yourself. Be kinder, gentler. You’re more awesome than you give yourself credit for, and so is everyone else.
Five. Measure Your Cares in One-Year Increments
That thing you’re stressing about? The petty argument, the egos, the gossip, the overblown news story? Ask yourself: will this matter in a year? If the answer is no, stop caring about it now. Seriously. Life’s too short to waste on trivial stuff that won’t even cross your mind a year from now. Save your mental energy for what really counts.
Six. Manage Your Energy Like a Pro
Let’s be honest: some people are energy vampires. You know who I’m talking about—the ones who drain the life out of you just by being around. Others? They lift you up. Your energy levels fluctuate throughout the day, and much of that is thanks to the company you keep. The solution is simple: spend more time with the people who energize you, and less with those who don’t.
Seven. Master the Art of Saying “No” (Without Guilt)
Your north star is your guide—anything that doesn’t align with it? Say no. No explanation needed, no guilt required. Every “yes” you say to something outside your priorities is a “no” to something important. The same goes for people. If someone or something doesn’t serve you or treats you poorly, say goodbye. Successful, happy people know how to say no without feeling like they owe anyone an apology.
So, there you have it. Life is short, and we’re not getting a do-over. But that doesn’t mean we can’t live like we’ve been given a second chance. In fact, maybe we’ve had one all along. The real trick? Start living like it’s your second time around today. You’d be surprised how much lighter and brighter everything becomes.